Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The AntiBush

The anti-Bush is getting killed today in the...how to say it...more religious than intelligent states. But that gets me thinking about McCain and his favor with moderate and independent voters. I think it is because he is viewed as the anti-Bush. Between his battles with Bush in 2000, his record against Bush policies in the Senate, and his constant rattling about the need to fire Rumsfeld, I think McCain has set up himself up as the one guy that won't be George Bush. After the complete "thumping" the Reps received in 2006, the moderate Reps are looking for an anti-Bush, but a pro war guy that won't pull out of Iraq.

It also didn't hurt that Rudy had a horrible personal life and was pro-choice, pro-gun control, and very gay friendly. For some reason Rep power brokers thought that being the Mayor of 911 would make conservative voters forget about those things...out of my cold dead hand, said the conservatives to that. Fred, who really was the guy that could unite the blue blood reps with the social conservatives, simply didn't appear to care. Mitt put up a good fight, but in the end, you simply couldn't trust that his change was real change or just his current stance in order to get the nomination. Huck is still fighting the good fight and pulling in delegates. Personally, I think the only reason he is still in the race is so people won't accuse him of working with McCain to get rid of Mitt....and believe me, they would, and they still might!

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