Saturday, February 16, 2008

SuperPathetic SuperDelegates

It was reported by CNN that each superdelegate's vote equals 13,000 normal votes. The democrats have given their superdelegates the power of a million voters. I've already touched on how horribly undemocratic and disenfranchising this is to democrat voters. Now lets look at who these superdelegates are. We know some are governors and former Presidents, but not all of them can be held in such high regard...and here they are.

Jason Rae was 17 years old when he received the title "Superdelegate". Kare Travers reported, "Rae was elected as a DNC member at the Wisconsin state party convention in June 2004. He was 17 years old at the time but there are no party rules that say a DNC member has to be of voting age. Rae ran against and defeated the president of the state firefighters' union and a state legislator." Yes, not even old enough to vote, yet still a superdelegate with the power to disenfranchise 13,000 registered adult voters. Mr. Rae is now 21 and fielding phone calls from some of the most influential democrats in America. I wonder what they are talking about? I think it is reasonable to assume his political career is topic 1 on Mr. Rae's mind.

Sarah Swisher is a nurse. She is also the political director of the Johnson County, Iowa chapter of the Service Employees International Union. She had first pledged her delegate to John Edwards. After Edwards dropped out, she pledged her delegate to Hillary Clinton. Now she has once again changed her mind and is pledging her delegate to Barrack Obama. You have to love the strength in principle shown by this particular superdelegate. I can understand leaving Edwards once he left the campaign. I don't understand jumping to Clinton so quickly and then dumping her for Obama once it appears he is the current front runner. This isn't speed dating.

Manny Rodriguez and Maria Handly of Colorado are Internet ghosts. I am not sure if they actually exist. So far all I could find out about them is that they have never once held any sort of political office.

Debbie Marquez, also of Colorado, appears to be a house mom dabbling in getting her MBA. You can get the details here at her website.

In Kansas, we find Randy Roy who appears to be a professional DNC member, if that is possible. We also find E. Lee Kinch, who is a defense attorney.

California is full of mostly union organizers whos addresses are listed on the Internet, not safe. Steven Alari had this written about him, "My ambivalence about Alari is caused by his job classification (AGPA) -- one that doesn't require much education or analytical skills --". Not exactly a raving review for a union worker that carries the weight of 13,000 voters. It gets worse. Mary Ellen Early only has a BA in psychology and was appointed to the California Board of Psychology by the State Senate.

There is also good news! Christine Pelosi, daughter of Congresswomen Pelosi, is actually very qualified, go here to see why.

I will keep this blog going as I discover more about these "superdelegates". You can go here to get a list

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